Cross Country Running Camp
This is the first year Randolph Recreation is hosting a Cross Country Running Camp for children ages 7 – 11. This day camp is held at Brunswick School and has amazing facilities, trails, and views. This camp is jam-packed with variety and exploration. The camp is limited to 20 children a day with a low camper/staff ratio, allowing each child to be our focus.
Dates: April 16th - 18th 2025
Ages: 7 - 11
Location: 665 Stock Farm Rd, Randolph VT
Camp Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Drop-off: 8:00am - 8:30am
Pick-up: 3:30pm - 4:00pm
Full 3 Days: $0.00 (Resident)
Full 3 Days: $0.00 (Non-Resident)
There will be no breakfast, or lunch served at camp. So please bring a packed lunch and snacks and a water bottle with the camper's name on it. There will be water bottles and a few snacks provide. Thank you.
Camp Offers:
This Cross Country Running Camp will offer your child the opportunity to set goals and reflect on their running. We will journal our experiences. We will learn how to take care of our bodies, keep ourselves hydrated, feed our bodies with energy, and stretching techniques before and after running. On the first day of camp, we will introduce ourselves to each other and learn team dynamics. Even though running is an individual sport we will learn how to trust each other and give each other motivation. We will go over safety protocols and learn about our environment. And of course, we will have lots of fun!
Get to know me:
My name is Harmony and I am a senior at Randolph Union High School. I am creating a Cross Country Running Camp for young athletes for my Senior Project. This sparked my interest because I am a fellow runner myself. I've been a part of the Cross Country team since the 6th grade and did girls on the run through 3rd-5th grade. I also do 4 other sports, basketball, soccer, softball, and track. I have the experience of being a captain for cross country and other sports. As a leader, I have taken the role of influencing middle schools which motivated me to help many more young athletes. Over the years, I've seen a lack of participation in sports especially in the running programs. I want to make a change in athletics. For myself, I didn't quite like running to begin with. It was a thing that my parents put me in, but throughout my journey of running, I learned running is a lifestyle. I want this opportunity for young athletes to express their passion for running or trying something new. I grew up running on the trails at Brunswick. They have beautiful sites and different levels of running intensity. Perfect for everyone! I am also a fellow camp counselor at Camp Moose. I love meeting new kids, building connections, and having lots of fun! My time spent over the summer working with very energetic kiddos, influenced me to create a camp to express that energy into running. I aspire to influence many young athletes into Cross Country Running!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns contact me:
Phone Number: (802) 305-0180